• The BEST Pumpkin soup recipe!

    Well those COLD winter nights have definitely got us searching for our woolies and hot water bottles. I don’t know about you but over here on a cold winters night we can’t stop thinking about soup. For us there is nothing better then skipping the dinner table, snuggling up on the couch with a fortress […]

  • Welcome!

    Welcome to the new home of The Helensvale Farmers Market! Here you’ll be able to keep up to date on the latest news on stalls, produce, gigs and more. Be sure to head over to our socials and hit the “like” and “follow” buttons to show your support. We look forward to seeing you next […]

  • Join Our Family

    Are you crafty, like to cook, a farmer or do you just love to sell? We are always looking for new stalls to join our market community where you can meet hundreds of eager shoppers every weekend. 

    If you’d like to join our family as a regular stall holder “click” on the menu link (become a […]